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Rat Race, Medford Rock Gym

Date: 30th May 2006

It’s been a fast-paced few days. On Friday Kim and I drove up to Jasper to wish my Mom a happy 60th birthday (happy birthday again), followed by a drive back to canmore, mad packing, then to the Dom semi-invitational suffer fest in his home gym that night. It’s always a wicked event, thanks to the Dom family and all the other people who poured sweat, chalk and blood on the holds all evening, I always crawl out of Dom’s garage. Then the party games started, which I suck at but lots of good energy from all the folks. Knut put me up at his house in Calgary that night, then up early to fly to Medford, Oregon, for the Rat Race paraglding competition. I got a great Yoga session on in the Portland airport, I always expect to get hassled as a potential Jihadist or something for doing yoga in US airports, but all cool, and it helped work out the kinks from Dom’s desperate comp. Finally made it to Medford, amazing how much can happen in such a short period of time.

Today was one of the best flying days I’ve had in a long time–the area around Medford is just made for paragliding, awesome flight out to Grant’s Pass and back–I didn’t have to turn for around 30K straight, just blasting along at and above cloud base, amazing. Flights like that are why I fly. There are over 100 pilots down here, it should be a very competitive comp and conditions look stunningly good…

After flying all afternoon and doing a tandem in the morning Keith and I hit the Rogue Rock gym in Medford, it’s a good gym, still worked from the comp but had a good time pulling on plastic. The comp starts tomorrow and it’s late now, time to wrack and get fired up in the morning, yeah!


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