Will Gadd – Athlete, Speaker, Guide     Athlete     Speaker     Guide    
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The Canadian Rockies are my home, and I love sharing them with people! I started climbing here with my parents about the same time I learned to walk more than 50 years ago, and that lifetime of experience helps me shape something special for you. It all starts with questions: What would you like to do? Learn how to move faster and with more security in the mountains? Stand on a  summit you’ve always dreamed of? Explore the best ice, rock or alpine routes in the Canadian Rockies? Climb a dream route? I really enjoy providing people with great experiences, those, “That was the best day I had all year!” kinda days. What I’m after is the best mix of a day or trip for the person, place and conditions. I guide ice, rock, and alpine climbs, as well as teach people how to move better in the mountains on terrain ranging from walking trails to WI6 ice climbs. My guests have ranged from 12-year old kids to elite military personnel to people who are just sick of being scared in the mountains.  I’ve been teaching and taking people into the mountains for more than 30 years, and am certified as full alpine guide through the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides.

With many people I provide some pre- and post-trip feedback on their training or goals as part of the process of working together (included). I love hearing successes and failures, and figuring out how make something work for you. Many of my guests go on to explore the mountains globally, and I love to hear about that!

I may look at mountain risk a little differently than other guides or climbers. I wrote a piece on that here.

Booking: Please send me an email, and let’s talk about what you are interested in. After we figure that please download the ACMG Waiver (2024-06-24) (Category 1,2,3) Will Gadd, which you need to read, sign and return to me via email, fax or mail before sending a deposit. After that we can set a date (s), and lock that date in with a deposit of half up front.

When we meet in person I’ll also do a waiver. In Canada we’ve had some waiver issues, and it’s a legal document so please take your time and let me know if you have any concerns or issues. Please note that the waiver is a legal document and the lawyers are very specific about how we need to do it together. We also need to do a new waiver for each new trip or activity.

A waiver is a legal document, but here’s something as important to our time in the mountains together: To My Dear Mountain Guests

Rates per day: $1400 Canadian, same rate for one to six people. No extras for any gear I supply, Ghost trips, Red Bull, bad music, it’s all part of the deal. Fifty percent deposit up front to lock dates. Deposits are fully refundable up to 60 days out, half to 30 days out, and non-refundbale less than 30 days out unless your foot fell off or your mom needs you

Getting here: I work mostly in the Canmore-Jasper area of Alberta. The closest airport is Calgary International, about an hour from Canmore.

Film Safety and Location Scouting: I’ve worked on big TV commercials from Iphone to Ford, documentaries to network news shows. I don’t do ski safety, but happy to help with everything else.

I look forward to hearing from you, and planning something great together!

Will Gadd, 2023

Member, Association of Canadian Mountain Guides


PS–I refer a lot of work to other guides in the Canmore area as well if I can’t meet your schedule or needs, and please feel free to write and just ask some questions too. I don’t guide skiing, but know some great people who do.





Red BullArc'teryxBlack DiamondScarpa