Date: 4th June 2009
Booty, and not the junk in the trunk kind.
#1 Any gear that you lose due to incompetence, getting spanked, fear, lack of skill , retrete, etc. becomes booty the moment that you give up attempts to recover said gear. The exception would be if you let it be known that were returning the next day at first light to resume recovery attempt. Once you give up on recovery attempts it is in fact BOOTY;)
#2 Gear left in the parking lot is lost and found, NOT booty.
3# Any gear left in the process of a rescue is NOT booty and shall be returned to the rightfull owners or next of kin.
#4 Finders of booty may offer to return booty to the spanked party but you will lose face if you accept the offer.
#5 it is extremly poor form to ask for lost booty to be returned to you. If the finders offer and you refuse the offer and they offer again then you may acept the return of the booty but you will still lose face and owe them a debt of honor. This debt may be eased but not completly erased by a gift of beer. (You and they will know that you are their bitch) It is best to suck it up and just say, hey, thanks for offering but you guys earned it.
The booty game is supposed to be fun and a way for strong poor climbers to build their rack at the expense of rich weak climbers. As soon as someone gets hurt it is not fun anymore so everyone should pitch in, help out and try to get everyones gear back at the end of the day.
I am sure that its different by region but that is how we felt about booty in the north east.
Posted in: Blog
Yeah, yeah, fucking wanker. Blog away about this child level activity you're practicing. Any half decent sport climber could repeat any of your climbs in a few tries. Big fish in a tiny pond. Bloated media whore.
Wanna go climbing?
Anon, let's assume you're right…. why are you still reading this?
I am a little new to this so I am curious what kind of socket wrenches you meant when you said "special little socket wrenches and shims for popping stuck cams out." I do love the idea of the weaker getting stronger at their own expense philosophy.
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