Will Gadd – Athlete, Speaker, Guide     Athlete     Speaker     Guide    
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Fun with Flying

Date: 28th June 2006

It’s been an insane week of flying here in the Rockies, I’ve flown about ten hours in the last three days. I put up some photos of the last day here. It just doesn’t get any better in the Rockies!

Kim and I hiked Lady Mac on the 24th, had a super fun flight in very strong conditions, just touring around the valley.

Kim, Graham and I flew Golden on the 25th, a nice 50K+ out and back. Blue day, but good lift. Flew the Boomerang IV.

On the 26th Frank, Doug and I wrangled a heli ride to the Lady Mac Launch, nice to just step out of the heli and be ready to go. Frank has had some health issues or we would have walked, at least that’s my story, grin. Super crazy good flying, about the best I’ve had the last year. It was a go-anywhere kind of day, so we ran a task down to Lake Minnewanka and back, then I flew around some more including directly over the top of the Three Sisters. Amazing day!


Got a quick one in the 26th after flying at the Vsion, mainly finger/core power/Cross-Fit mix. Went to Heart last night with Kevin, Scott and Greg. Left the house at 5:00 and walked out of Heart at 10:00 just pounded, managed to send a harder route and deja vu (I’ve done the routes before but damned if I can remember ‘em) a bunch of stuff in the Bayon. Greg sent his second 12a, his goal is to climb 13a by the end of the summer, should be possible. My base fitness is hangin in there well despite all the paragliding of late, if I can just climb one day a week and hit the plastic gym a couple of times it seems to work out.

Posted in: Blog


  1. Lise B   July 3, 2006 3:40 pm

    Stunning photos Will! Nothing like a bird’s eye view.

  2. Anonymous   August 8, 2006 5:05 am

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  3. Anonymous   August 12, 2006 1:35 am

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  4. Anonymous   August 17, 2006 7:36 am

    Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

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